Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Email - 4/13/10

Sent: Tuesday, April 13, 2010 8:04 AM

Packages arrive generally without problem. What I´ve seen done until now. They arrive in the post office, and the post office sends a little notice to my house, then I have to go and find the box. The reason packages shouldn´t go to the office anymore is because at Christmas time there were so many the filled the office to over-flowing.

Elder Vitorino is my 17th companion since November 5th, 2008. Until now, only Elders Eliason and Barbosa stayed more than 6 weeks with me. Elder Lalli holds the record for least time, having stayed a mere week. I just hope these things aren´t a reflection of dating afterwards, huh? No girl sticking with me more than six weeks, yikes!

Elder Holland´s talks are always my favorites in General Conference, ever since I started really paying attention to Conference. One of my after mission goals is to watch Conference in the Conference Center next year. For now, I´ll have to content myself with the fact that Russel M. Nelson, Claudio M. Costa and Stanley G. Ellis are going to visit our mission next week. I´m super excited to see these three holy men in our missions, and to receive the blessings and instructions that they will bring with them. I have to prepare a lot, because, well, that´s what it says in Matthew 10:41. He who receiveth a Prophet in the quality of a prophet, receives a prophet´s reward.

Wow, sounds like things are kinda busy back home, huh? Katie´s got a job, Colin´s studying, Megan´s studying, Dad working like crazy, and the prodigal son who ran off to Brazil. At least there´s Chingu to snuggle up to, right?

Ah-ha! I caught you now, Barney family. What night in the week are you guys doing Family Home Evening, then? It´s one of the things I´ve learned on the Mission is essential. I think it was Elder Costa or President Packer who talked about it last October. Family Home Evening is more important than Breakfast, yo!

I guess Chingu´s not really that great a conversationalist, huh? But hey, in 7 months I´ll be around to help out on Monday nights and eat with you. I´m not in any school at the moment, nor do I have a job, nor any other appointment, so here in 7 months, you can count on my company.

I found out this week something funny. Pres. and Sis. Tobias don´t accept calls from Missionaries on Mondays and Fridays, because Monday is Family Home Evening, and Friday is Date Night! Haha. It´s so funny to think about Pres. and Sis. out on a date.

Oh, and I think I have to trade glasses, my eyes are hurting a lot again these days.

But outside that, I´m all cool.



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