Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Email - 7/27/10

Sent: Tuesday, July 27, 2010 12:35 PM

The July-Fest, as it roughly translates, was pretty great. I´ll have to show you the videos some day. Our ward´s youth really put their best into it and it came out really well. As for what we ate, we ate canjica, which is a kind of corn drink with hominy corn in the midst, corn cake, popcorn, and corn on the cob, with the usual Goianinho, or Little Goian Guarana. The funny part was seeing who didn´t dance, but came dressed in their costume anyway. Our friend, Wislene, came dressed up looking especially hill-billy. Elder Clark and I were sure to tease, haha.

50 years is actually a sign of really slow progress, if you think about it, since in 50 years we only have managed 2 stakes, while in other places in Brazil, we manage to put together stakes in a matter of 5-10 years at the most. There is a lot of apostasy for us to fight, in and out of the Church, but Christ is at the helm, so one day, even if it be the very Last, there will be a temple here.

We baptized Janaina this week! It was a very well attended baptismal service, and it was a beautiful way to end the week. We held the baptism at sun-set, and we had reps from the Bishopric and Ref-Soc as well. E. Clark and I sang in English, Be Still My Soul, which always gives that extra ZEST to a baptism. The kids love it, haha. It was really rewarding for us, this baptism. Janaina is a wonderful person, and through her baptism her boyfriend has started to come back to church, and the two of them are great people. It´s funny, when E. Clark and I went there, I always felt like I was back home with my friends.

Sunday we had a big deal happen in our ward, too, as Wislene got her mission call! Wislene is a recent-convert of about 2 years now, who was baptized by E. Viera, one of the APs a few months back. To make a long story short, she´s a young woman whose testimony has grown greatly, and who has been a great help to us here in the ward, always showing us people she knew, and fellowshipping the people we teach. E. Clark and I met her a few months back (Re: LAST YEAR) when she served a small-time mission. She had to overcome literal opposition from the Bishop, who happened to be of that "Women shouldn´t serve missions" attitude, but finally got her call to serve in São Paulo.

Today we had a Zone activity, which was awesome. We played volleyball and had a barbecue. I continue to suck at all physical activities.

So we went off to the waterfalls last week, me, E. Clark, and a few of the youths of the ward, and it was absolutely beautiful. A tiny bit less safe than I´d imagined, as we walked basically INSIDE the fall, but it was a lot of fun. I´ll send the pics next week. I totally biffed and forgot them at home.

It´s always nice to have someone taking specific care of the lunches. Usually, things go great here. This week we got some more or less bad luck. Sunday a less-active sister was to give it, though she seems to have disappeared. Monday the family who gives every Monday unmarked with us, though the Ref. Soc forgot to notify us. Tuesday there is no lunch, as it´s Preparation Day. Wednesday we´ll be receiving money. Thursday, too. Friday nobody marked, so we´ll have to schedule, and I believe Saturday might be money, too.

But I don´t complain. I´ve already been in situations WAAAAAAY tighter than this one. Remind me one
day to tell you about when I ate lunch made by a recent-convert´s brother´s BOYfriend. That was awkward.

This week I so didn´t get even a 4th of my studies done. I dunno how I´m going to study all my books before the end of the mission. There´s so much to do and see and read and think and write and register that really, I have no idea how I´ll pull it off.

Gotta get going, I need to write Dad soon, and sorry for not sending letters last week. I had no time as we got home really late from the waterfall.



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