Friday, December 18, 2009

Email - 2/10/09

From: Bryan Barney
Sent: Tuesday, February 10, 2009 6:26 AM

I think you could say this was a pretty good week for me. Know why? WE BAPTIZED SOMEONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And not just anyone, but someone who I really think'll wax strong in the church. Her name is Mara, I think I've mentioned her a few times in the past, but this kid is really cool. We weren't sure if she was really interested in us, or the message at first, but one day we got there and she was reading the Book of Mormon from square 1. That is NOT COMMON. What's more, she was understanding and liking it, and she came to church and participated in the young women's class a lot. Likewise she wanted to go to on the camping trip the stake hosts during carnaval as a positive alternative to the festivities.

I really think the only thing that poses a difficulty for her is her family. It's hard to explain, but well, I dunno, it won't be easy for a 15 year old girl with parents who are separated and not super-supportive. But Mara is definitely going to keep growing.

I actually have pictures from the baptism- sorta (the kid I handed my camera to didn't work it right, so I have to get them from Elder Eliason) but I'll send those as soon as I can. Did I mention I actually performed the baptism? It was my first time every doing that. I got it all done right in the first try, but we kinda had to shove her elbow down and it took a few tries to say her full name right.

The only two things on the menu you showed that I have tried are Feijoada and Guarana. Feijoada I had in the CTM, so I really cannot attest to it's actual goodness. Guarana is essentially a soda staple of life around these parts. It is my new favorite flavor of soda.

McDonald's menu was more or less the same-- at least the lunch menu. Breakfast was different. They had things like Pão de Queijo on there. MMM.

We have a washing machine of sorts. It's . . . special. We'll just say that. It gets the job done at about 4 pieces of clothing at a time.

Parabens for Katie!!! Is she liking it there? I can attest living in your own house is pretty cool, although sometimes I miss home.

Just a few quick requests- Everybody hug Chingu. There are too many strays out here. Play Zombies again, I wish I could do that. And Megan needs someone to play Star Wars with her. That said, I have to split, my hour is almost up.

DON'T FORGET TO SEND PICTURES!!! (I'll look into mailing my memory card.)


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