Sunday, December 27, 2009

Email - 4/28/09

From: Bryan Barney
Sent: Tuesday, April 28, 2009 7:33 AM

Okay, now I'm good. So, I should probably give the whole family a quick recap of what went down this week. I'm running low on cash/time (A final da transferencia, como eu te amo!) so I'll keep this sort of quick. Megan has a more extended version, for those who want it.

Essentially, Wednesday, the APs called me in and said, "Every companionship in the state has baptized but yours. Seeing as you have almost 4 months in the area, you are the most well informed on this subject. Go to, find the person who is ready, and baptize." Which is to say, all the Missionaries in the state, including the Sisters, had already had a baptize. Just not I and my companion. Elder Owen was already working in our area with another missionary to try and see if that would dig something up when this happened. So they sent me and another zone leader back into my area and well, we started visiting everyone who met the requirements written in the area book. Eventually we got to an inactive family, filled out the papers, and Sunday João Paulo was baptized. José Carlos, his dad, and Elisangela, are members I've been trying to reactivate for a while now. After months of work, this is the first time I've seen them at church. So well, miracles do happen.

I'm very happy to see the Stake Center coming along, but I wouldn't really call the Graham chapel too bad. It's huge in comparison to the Tibery chapel, which is actually one of the nicest chapels in the mission, I'm told.

Thank you for the Book. I'm also accepting peanut butter! No but really, thank you. Visual aids are a huge help in the mission. The "Vi dois personagens" in the first vision really doesn't work out if you don't have a painting of the scene.

Also, if someone could pass on to Sharelle that I have, in fact, successfully passed off one photo to some Brazilians. Elder Carlos and Elder Moura basically stole it from me this week, so, um, I'm in need of more photos from my friends? Specifically from the ferris wheel at the fair, but also if possible, I'D LOVE SHOTS FROM AFTER I LEFT.

The fruit shown in that picture is called a Mexerica, it's basically an easy-peel orange, and it is DELICIOUS.

We heard about the swine flu, yesterday, I think. It's like a mutant cold or something. I dunno, I'm still trying to avoid getting Dengue. They basically have HORRIBLE NEW EPIDEMIC OF THE MONTH here, so I don't really pay too much attention. Last month it was CALAZAR, THE SICKNESS OF REX.

Colin can drive? Well that just leaves me and Matt then, huh? And I can barely ride a bike, so, eh.

Also, please let Colin know that, while I'd love to get him a birthday present, I'm presently without. But a very merry 19th to him all the same. My advice is to go out with your friends, take many pictures, and then not show the embarassing ones to people in the mission field. Haha.

Well, I have to split now. I'm out of time for today. But I love you all, and I'll write again next week. I hope. Maybe.

Eh, Transfer is coming up, and I'm a bit conflicted. I'd actually rather get sent somewhere outside of Tibery than have a full Dia de Preparação.



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