Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Email - 5_25_10

Sent: Tuesday, May 25, 2010 8:13 AM

Well, I think maybe the postal code we have is wrong. I´m still looking into it. What I think happened is that, because the postal code is wrong, it got shipped somewhere else, and from there it has to be shipped here. I don´t honestly like the theory, much, since right on the front it ought to say "ANAPOLIS GO" And yet who knows where they sent it. Oh, silly Brazilian mailing system. My companion insists that the postal code I have is wrong, so we´ll settle this at the post office this week.

It´s good to hear you´re doing better. I´ve got a sore throat these days, but that´s because it´s been really dry here. It hasn´t rained real rain in Anapolis since before General Conference. The air is dry and full of dust. Oh, fun. But it´s nothing that enables me to work, so I don´t care. It´s not pain so much as annoyance.

You have no idea how much I actually miss yard-work. Funny, huh? But I actually miss the smell of fresh cut grass, dying from sweat in the Saturday Morning Sun as we roto-till, plant, weed-whack, mow, and all the rest of that fun. I´m sure just one summer at home and I´ll return to the regular laziness on Saturday Morning, but at the moment, I really miss taking care of the lawn. Probably because I miss having a lawn. Usually, only rich folks have good grass in front of their house in Anapolis. Poor folk have dirt or cement.

Yeah, well ALMOST whatever you cook will not solicit a complaint from me. Unfortunately if you make green beans or mushrooms, I´ll probably continue the same. The best part of the last year and six months is that I almost haven´t even SEEN a green bean. And may the Lord permit that I so continue, haha. But outside that, I won´t complain in the slightest. Because, well, like we always say here in the Mission, "The only bad lunch is the lunch that didn´t happen."

Ah, well, I suppose Elder Webber probably isn´t a relative, then. Who knows. His dad is a convert, but he was baptized in New Zealand a little more than just 5 years ago.

I´m really excited about watching conference in the new stake center. I hope it´s not very long from our house. Oh wait, I don´t have to walk there, yes!

And before I forget, here are a few other pictures that you might have been wanting to see:

The first is when Elder Nelson visited the mission. I´m sort of far back, but let´s see if you can find me. The other is a plane that is in the middle of town.

I gotta split now, but I love you, and take care until we meet again!


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