Thursday, June 3, 2010

Email - 6/1/10

Sent: Tuesday, June 01, 2010 8:43 AM

Well, this is what they claim is my postal code:75114-310. I don´t doubt it, as my companion´s letters all arrive rather quickly. Nevermind that he isn´t waiting for mail from out of country, but they come fairly quickly to him.

As for the package, no real news yet. We saw the mini-van that delivers packages a few times this week, so maybe it will get here today. I feel like a poor kid who doesn´t know if Santa will find his house this year or not. Haha.

Water down here in Goiás is allegedly bad for us to drink. We have little water-bottles which we drink the filtered tap water from, but in all honestly, before the bottles were issued, I drank tap water every day, and when we pass the houses of the people we teach, we drink the same water they do, and I haven´t had any medical problems yet. The taste was a little funny at first, but these days I don´t remember any difference. Milk, on the other hand, I have never gotten used to. I am anxious to come home and drink milk from good old American Cows again.

It hasn´t rained in more than months here in Anápolis, nor, for that matter, do I think it´s rained in Goiânia. The cars and buses that once tossed mud on our white shirts now kick up dust storms that fog my glasses. Yes, it´s a lot of fun, huh? I had some ice-cream from McD´s the other day, but it´s been nearly 2 years since I ate turkey.

Man, what I´d give to eat at a food storage café. I don´t even know what I´ll eat today. Today´s the start of a new month, which means our money is almost all gone for, which bites, since, well, still have to go to Goiânia tomorrow. Oh what fun it is to blow all my money on bus rides, haha. I don´t even remember what my call-name is anymore. Nor do I remember if it´s already been expired or not.

I´ve got a few more photos to send home this week. Let´s see if they help cheer you up a bit, huh?

1) Elder Lewis, Elder Challis, Me, and Elder Clark, at the Airport in Goiania, renewing our visas. These guys are my group. As in, the missionaries who have the same time as I do. They´re some of my favorite friends on the mission. Of my group, who isn´t here is Sister Judd (whose already home) Sister Romeiro (going home now) and Elder Brown, (who´s stuck in Minas).

2+3) These are two young ladies, granddaughters of a sister here, that we baptized this month.

4) This is me, to my left a returned missionary in the ward, and to my right my companion, on top of a horse-cart. Yes, we´re hillbillies.

5) Me with Sisters Judd, Riggs, and Romeiro. Sister Judd and Sister Romeiro are from my group. Sister Riggs is a Texan.

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