Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Email - 6/29/10

Sent: Tuesday, June 29, 2010 8:21 AM

Don´t sweat it about not sending an e-mail last week. I have to send one every week, but nowhere is it written that I have to receive one every week.

I always feel really sad when I see a missionary doing some kind of dirtiness or other. As Elders we´re called to represent the Lord. In a way, to BE Him in His place. When an Elder walks in righteousness, you can see that he touches the people around him, that The Spirit goes with him where he goes, and teaches the people he teaches. But when one commits apostasy, the Spirit is replaced with another, and the damage that happens is difficult to repair.

But for every Elder diabolical, there´s 100 who really seek to serve the Lord. And I love to go to baptisms, for the Spirit of triumph of good over evil is always present, and the strength of the Lord always testifies to those who open their hearts.

NOSSA. Man, that´s got to suck about Elder Van Duyn. I never had that happen to me on the mission (Pres. Tobias almost never transferred me) but I knew guys who had this happen to them and its just about the worst thing in the world for a missionary. When I left Anapolis there were two women there who baptized that weekend. But I´m still happy to have worked with them. Getting sick on the Mission is the worst thing in the world.

It´s about time they put together the old team. Not that I want to say anything bad about the new teams, but really, there was a time when I thought no one cared about Scouting anymore. You can sort of see a few gaps in our Ward´s history, too. I´m pretty sure that there was a nice space of 6 years between me and the last missionary to serve in our ward before me, and also I think Wade was the last person in the ward to get his Eagle before me. I dunno, I just know that, for a time, I thought our ward was kinda disorganized in the progress of our boys, but then again, how many times did I myself complain about boys on our lists who were inactive instead of going and extending a hand to them?

Gotta hurry, I´m afraid an hour of internet isn´t as long as it used to be.

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