Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Email - 6/22/10

Sent: Tuesday, June 22, 2010 8:39 AM

Me? End in Anápolis? That´d´ve been just my luck. But now I´m here in Aparecida again, and I think I´ll end my mission here. After all, this transfer that starts today, and two more, and then I´ll be "carried triumphant through the air" as Moroni puts it.

Ah, well, You can send her the address of my mission and ask her to send me a letter. I don´t have Andy´s mission address, so I dunno what he wanted to know. I think he wanted to know if she was living in the limits of his mission or not. What town is she in? As for me, eh, she lives a long way from here, but it´d be nice to hear from an old friend. At times I think the only friends I have who are active in the church are 1) Friends of my parents or 2) All called Sister, or Elder or 3)Brazilians.

It´s okay if you almost forgot, Mom. What matters is that you didn´t, haha. Also, eh, if you forget once in awhile, it´s okay. I mean, I know you have to work hard, and that you often don´t sleep well and wind up sleeping until later. The only one who has to wake up despite these conditions is me. Also you don´t have to worry about messy hair as you´re my mom, so no matter how you look, you´ll always be pretty to me.

It´s better to send mail to the office again. I´m sure the Staff will hate the idea, but there is no reasonable way you can send mail to me and have it arrive safely. I live in an apartment that has a mailbox shared with all the other apartments in the block, one box, many letters, so it´s best to just send mail to the office. I hope Pres. Prieto won´t mind too much.

Here in Aparecida (which is basically Goiania, just that we´re about 2hours by bus from the city center in Goiania and everyone insists that this is a different city) it´s a lot hotter than in Anápolis. Man, it´s pretty annoying to walk around melting some days, breathing in a mountain of dust, but you know what they say, the more an Elder suffers on the mission, the prettier his wife gets.

I have to split now, but I´ll be sure to write again next week. Don´t worry, and don´t forget to get on Colin´s case.



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