Thursday, June 3, 2010

Another Email - 6/1/10

Sent: Tuesday, June 01, 2010 9:04 AM

These days we´re working hard on climbing out of a pit that I think maybe we dug ourselves into. Our mission is baptizing very few people, compared to a few months back, and we´re all struggling to break the barrier down and get back to where we´d been. In Anápolis we put up a good fight this month, and almost met our goal. We want every missionary in town to to baptize 1 person in the month (or 2 for every companionship) so that we can help the work go on. The problem is that, well, we just came seem to get people to go out to church in certain areas in the city. Almost every ward or branch in town baptized this month, we only needed one more, but we don´t know how to make it really out of the bucket, you know?

These days I feel a bit like Captain Moroni. He must have fought that war a long, long time before he won it. I don´t know how he found the patience to support such trials, nor how he managed to never want to give up. I wish I could have the charity that all the great men in the scriptures had, to love unconditionally other people, and to never let my temper get the best of me. I try hard not be impatient with others, but I can´t seem to keep my calm as much as I´d want.

President Tobias likes to refer to our months as wars, and often times, it really feels like it. I feel that Anapolis won the war of May, but just barely. We´ve had some serious problems here in town these days. Not with anyone in town (our team really has become a lot better) but we´re still pretty slow in winning our war. But we´re progressing.

The war of June is upon us, and I suppose that´s what most frustrates me. Just as soon as we win a war, the next one starts, and we have to go and take on Satan´s forces once more. But I´m sure we´ll come through fine.

I´ve gotta send mail to Pres., now, so I´ll split.

Love you, and take care!


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