Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Another Email - 6/8/10

Sent: Tuesday, June 08, 2010 8:51 AM

Well we had our last interviews with Pres. Tobias yesterday night and I feel that I´ve discovered the key to, at the least, my own success this month. At the end of the interview, in which we conversed about my patriarchal blessing, President asked if he could give me a blessing of his own. During the blessing he commanded that I do as Pres. Hinckley says, "Forget yourself. Give your all in the work, and be 100% in everything." It was truly a special experience for me last night. I´m sad to see Pres. Tobias go. He and his wife have been the parents of my family for the last year and 7 months. The missionaries have been my siblings. It always hurt to see a group go home, but when Pres. Tobias goes, it´ll be a bit sad. On the other hand, I´m excited to meet Pres. Prieto, and to work with him all the rest of my mission.

I always liked the scripture in the New Testament, where the Lord declares that if a man find his life, he shall lose it, but if he lose his life in the Lord´s service, he shall find it forever. The same thing about being born again. I think maybe I held back at times on the mission. I can´t do that anymore. I never want to go back to who I was before the mission. And so I have to do as the Lord has asked. I have to lose my old life here, and the Lord shall show me the new one. I have to be born again, dying to the things of the world, and coming alive to the things of the Spirit. I have to forget who I was, and focus on who the people I´m teaching can be.

I can´t hold back anymore.

I remember that Elder Nelson told us that, if we wanted more faith, we needed to do things that try our faith. I believe the Lord wants me to be more patient, more virtuous, and more charitable,for these are the things he most tests me in. I remember once I prayed that I might be a instrument in the Lord´s hands, but I suppose I never gave thought to if I was an instrument well-tuned or not. And the Lord well knows that trumpets that are poorly tuned serve for nothing. You´ve got to be a well-tuned TROMBONE, haha.

Gotta split. My time has run out. I wish you all well. Send my love to the ward, to the quorum, and the children and the family. I´ll write again next week, about how the Last Conference with Pres. Tobias went.

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