Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Email - 6/8/10

Sent: Tuesday, June 08, 2010 8:41 AM

We went and asked at the post office this week. They claim that, if you can pass the number of the box sent, and the date, they can find out where it´s at. I guess there should be some number or something on the receipt which is the code of the box or something? The postman was really whiney and honestly he wasn´t too interested in helping, but this is what I understood from him.

I think I´m just used to the water. Technically I shouldn´t drink it, but I never got sick from it, so I don´t think it´s killing me, right?

I think it´s funny that you find 58 warm. That´s only 14 deg. Celcius. Here that´s really cold. Normally 20 is warm, and anywhere from 25-30 is way too hot for me.

This last week I went to Goiania to renew my visa (I´m legal again) and then we had our last Counsel of Leaders with Pres. Tobias. Yesterday we had our last interviews with him. I´m sad to see Pres. Tobias go. He and Sister Tobias have been like my Father and Mother away from home. I´ve come so far with them, and I´ve changed so much. I´m going to miss them a lot, and I´m glad they promise to always keep in touch. I feel so much like part of a big huge family. The mission has really changed the way I see the world, the church, myself, and the gospel. I´m excited for the new President, but I don´t want to say good-bye to MY president, you know?

I´m glad to hear you´re involved in a project to help others, it sounds like Dad is, too. I want you and Dad to know that in these next 5 months I´m going to dedicate myself even more to the work. It´s the "end" of my mission, so now comes the big test to see if I´m green and growing, as dad says, or "Sempre novo" as Irmão João says, or "Sereno e Constante" like Pres. Tobias says, or if I´m a dead man walking, haha.

I really like the photos you sent. It´s so weird to see the other side of the world. I didn´t even remember that it was that way. I´m so used to palm-fronds and tropical situations, I´d forgotten the forests, mountains, and ocean of my youth. Strange, how lost I´ve become in this world.

I´ve got to split, I still need to Send Dad my e-mail, but here´s some pictures of the week.

Actually, just one. Me and Pres. Tobias. It must be interesting compare this one to the one from when I arrive. I wonder how different I must look.

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