Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Email - 2/9/10

Sent: Tuesday, February 09, 2010 7:53 AM
Subject: Re: Last week of January

Well, time to send a quick weekly up-date then, huh?

Not a whole lot of great report with respect to the work here this week. We´re working with a Bahian woman, but she´s a tad obstinant. Outside that, the only huge news about Jardim São Paulo Branch is that, well, our Branch President was released and we´re currently being presided by another. It´s a long story which would really be rather boring to count, but suffice it to say that, well, we´re still here.

As for Carnival, there´s not really going to be a big fuss here in Anápolis. Anapolis is a quiet city. Goiania might have something, but Anapolis is small enough that I can generally see the jungle on every side of the town independent of where I am. It´s a town full of churches and bars and surrounded by air force bases. Usually, people skip town for Carnival. However, pray for the Elders who live near the beaches. This time of year isn´t gonna be easy on them, haha.

Oh, wow. Valentine´s day is coming up, huh? Thank goodness that "Couple´s Day" As it´s called here, isn´t for a while, still. It´s bad enough having all these missionaries getting letters from there girlfriends recently, how much more on Valentines Day?

Oh, and another big news here in the mission. Today we found out a little about our next Mission President (Pres. and Sis. Tobias will finish there mission in June, after all) Pres. and Sister Prieto will be our new leaders. It´ll be a weird end to the mission, haha.

Oh, I hear Katie is getting hitched this month? Please remember the missionary down south and take many pictures, and send a few his way. It´s not every day my oldest sister gets married, after all. I don´t know if you remember Elder Lewis, my first companion WAY BACK IN PROVO, but I´m here in the same area he passed a while back, and one of the members of the branch is a woman who he helped get married. It was cool to see the pictures of her marriage.

Since letters take a good while to send, just a quick "HEY" to all my friends back home, and a thanks to Whitney for having written me. Don´t worry about me being unhappy about not getting any mail, since it took so darn long for me to send some, haha (You do owe me a picture, however). Oh, and Jessica, if you´re reading this, I´m sorry, but I sent a letter to Sharelle to your house, because well, frankly I don´t even know where Sharelle lives these days, heh.

I have to go now, I´ve got to send my report off to President Tobias still, and don´t forget, transfers are on the 23rd. Love you all, take care!


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