Thursday, February 4, 2010

Email - 1/19/10

Sent: Tuesday, January 19, 2010 7:48 AM
Subject: Re: Another week goes by

This week I´ll send a letter first to you, so that you don´t get short sticked, haha.

Well, I´m still down here in the Jardim São Paulo Branch in Anápolis, and I´m still doing everything I can to maintain a positive attitude. It´s not that things are particularly BAD here, so much as recently I´ve been having a few streaks of bad luck, haha. I´m super sore to day because yesterday we helped tear down a house. MY BACK! Also, if you note a sudden lack of money in my accounts, it´s because I went and bought those shoes. I´m hoping these suckers last till the end of my mission, given they look like I can step on a bomb with them.

My district is fairly interesting this month. Our Zone leaders are the old Sec Exec and an Ex-Assistant, one companionship is an ex-comp of mine and a kid from the Sammamish River, in another pair we have a bit of unruliness, but we´re working that out, and then there´s the newer kid and the newbie, who are doing just fine. I´m still with Elder Barbosa, and we´re running up and down like crazy.

I got your packages the week after new years, and, so that you know, the peanutbutter we inhaled in less than a week. Both my companion and the old Sec Exec enjoyed the jelly greatly. The chocolates are all gone, and now I´m killing myself trying to speak three languages out of the Book of Mormon. Oh, and the stalking you sent is a perfect fit on my foot, haha.

Why did Colin take out his teeth? And why didn´t he tough it out awake like I did? Dad should have stopped at the music store half-way home and left him in the car for half an hour so that he could experience my ride home that day, haha.

59? Yesterday it was 91 here. I think the highest it got last week was 100 or so. It usually gets really hot here in Anapolis, and then gets really wet when it rains, which is frequent. Oh! I saw a Tucan this week! We were on our way to an appointment the other day, and one flew above our heads. It didn´t really work out to see the whole dang thing, but it was still cool.

I hope everybody is okay out there. We´re doing well enough down here. Send my love to the family, especially to my grandparents. Let Grampa Haney know I wished him a happy birthday. Take care,



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