Monday, October 4, 2010

Another Email - 10/4/10

Sent: Monday, October 04, 2010 9:14 AM
Subject: Re: hey

Wow, General Conference is always an amazing thing, and this last one on my mission was spectacular. I, too, felt that it was time to express my gratitude and be more greatful and focus less on what´s lacking.

Congrats on the home teaching! And I still remember when I was a priest and the stake presidency burned our ward for having the home teaching record of a dead man´s heart.

We haven´t yet baptized, but we´re working on it. I´ve faith the Lord will grant us at least one baptism before the end. We have to work all our days to bring at least that much to Christ.

I still don´t know why exactly I want to go to BYU. Some crazy part of my brain laughs and says it´s just to find a Mormon girl and marry fast, but the rest of me still says that there´s some reason I need to go there. I dunno. I just think it´s something that is important for me to do. It´s kinda like when I decided to go on a mission, I didn´t know why, just knew that I NEEDED to go. I guess that maybe the Spirit is saying that I need to go. If it´s so, then who am I to at least not try and follow?

I still have no idea what I need to after the mission. Pres. Tobias told me that I need to just keep my head in the mission and the Lord will reveal it to me on the plane. Good thing the plane ride´s so long, huh?



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