Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Email - 10/18/10

Sent: Monday, October 18, 2010 7:44 AM

Well, dunno what to say about your itinerary that you got from the Mish. I suppose we´ll just kinda find out when we find out. I´ll call and ask the sec.s a bit later to ask them and see what´s up. Which is about the best I can do. I imagine that it must have been a bit crazy, as a few months back, when they were supposed to have bought my tickets, there was a sec exec who was less than great. When they traded secs, it was discovered he hadn´t bought any tickets for any of the groups leaving for the next few weeks.

Well it´s good to know I´ll have the window seat. Now I just wanna know if I´ll be sitting near one of my friends or not. But in any case, I´m sure we´ll pull it off to play around together on the last flight home. It´s really kinda weird thinking that it´s all almost over. But all things have their own time, right? I found out today, for example, that one of my comps, E. Dutra, who went home after the Conference in April, is going to get engaged this saturday. Oh louco!

I dunno if I´ll get sick or not, but based on how it was for me when I got in Brazil, who knows. I mean, I sure don´t WANT to go through all the fun of jetlag and everything again, but hey, you never know. I know I´ll die from the temperature, since here it´s been freaking hot the last few days. Yesterday it was just not fair, having to go to church in a black suit in that blazing and infernal heat.

I´ll be sure to tell you the many, many things which happened on my mission that I could never say before because they´d make you old with worry. Hahaha. The dangerous places I went, the dangerous people I met, the stupid things I did. I imagine I´ll get out the pictures and show them, and go explaining as I look at ´em. Though my Pen Drive doesn´t have space for the pics I´ll take at the end of my mish, so the camera´s gonna have to hold out just a little while longer, haha.

Ah, a Katrina (I think that´s her name) left for her mission? That´s great to hear! She sounded like she really wanted to go. I´ll have to remember to send a letter to her, congratulating her when she´s in the MTC. She´ll be there 3 months, poor thing.

New people in our ward who speak portuguese! WOO! I so won´t speak english with him.

Now if only there were new girls in the ward, hahaha.

Oh, I´ma send a few pics home, since it´s been 2 million years since I´ve done that.

1) E. Clark and I after we´d gone to see the waterfalls in Aparecida de Goiania.

2) E. Pimentel, Wislene and I being absolutely styling.

3) E. Botão, my greenie, the day we went to eat with the Zone Leaders.

Just a few shots for everyone to know how I am and everything, how I look and the what not. Next week I´ll try and find a minute or two to send a quick e-mail home. But if anything goes wrong when I´m traveling home, I´ll send off a call. Calling collect in the states works how? Wow, that´s brazillian grammar right there. I don´t remember how to make collect calls, but I´m sure someone will know.



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