Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Email - 3/30/10

Sent: Tuesday, March 30, 2010 8:11 AM

Well, once again, there´ve been emergency transfers in Anapolis. Pres. Tobias called last week, telling us that Elder Stoddard and I would go on splits with the other Zone Leaders, Elder Ribeiro and Elder Lalli. Saturday, Elder Lalli called Pres. to find out more, and Pres told him that, instead of splits, he should just pack his bags, and tell Elder Stoddard to do the same.

So as of yesterday, I´m on my 16th companion, Elder Lalli, from Bountiful Utah, who lives on the same street as Pres. Eyring. He´s really cool, just that we still don´t know if we´re going to be together next week or not. Who knows these days in Anapolis, huh?

In other news, we had a really cool experience this morning. We´ve been teaching a woman called Eliana this month. She´s from Pará, a single mom dating a member of the ward. We marked her baptism for General Conference and we´ve been going forward with little difficulty since (she´s had her doubts, but for a woman of 21 years of age, she´s awful courageous.) Monday was her baptismal interview, Elder Lalli interviewed her. Last night, she knelt down and asked God if the Book of Mormon and it´s teachings were true. Today, around 7 AM, we got a phone call.

She had a dream.

In this dream she sat in a room with Elder Carlos (One of the APs who lives with us and has done some of the teaching) She said he repeated, "Now do you believe all this is true?" And that she couldn´t leave the room our stop talking to him until she realized that she did, in truth, believe and know that what we had been teaching her was true.

Sunday is the baptism. And this time, I really know we´ve done everything to prepare her for this day. This is my third General Conference in the mission, and it´ll be the first we manage to baptize in.

My package has arrived in Goiania. Elder Carlos and Elder Dutra will probably bring it back to me this week, if I myself am not sent to Goiania this week, too. Who knows, seeing as our mission has to get ready to receive 3 General Authorities this month. I´m excited, and I hope to be there when they come.

I´m glad to hear that Katie is well, and Grayson too. Send my love to them. Let my grandparents know I miss them dearly as well. And tell my friends to hold a little longer.

I´ve got to go now, love you, take care.


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