Thursday, December 17, 2009

1st Letter, postmarked 11/6/08

Mom & Dad,

Hello! I am doing well. Not sure if it is the Utah air, or what, but my eyes hurt. How are you? This is kinda a scatterbrained letter, sorry. We are very busy, tired, and confused. But we are well fed. I can only write/email on P-Days, which are Friday, except this week, which it is Saturday, I think. I need to request my Priesthood Line of Authority, and apparently I am missing a health thing. No, wait, I've got it. Sorry about that. Ran out of Floss, but I think I can buy some here. Class starts tomorrow, and we are expected to pray in Portugese by week's end. I spoke to my Branch President, and when my visa clears, they are going to send me straight on to Brazil. My companion, Elder Lewis, is actually going to the same place! In fact, in my Portugese district thing, there are several people from WA, and a sister from England! (Her teeth are nice, Mom.) Things seem well, and though I am culture-shocked, I am going to be okay. I just remembered some things I have to write on the back!

1) Mission service began today, so don't try to see me off when I leave for Brazil, and no sneaking into a temple to see me!
2) All mail must be through US or Commercial mail. No hand deliveries, also NO PIZZA (Perishable items)
3) No calling to ask "Yo dog, where you at?" Only weekly letters.
Well, I have to hurry. 5 minutes or so to lights out and I need to write in my journal. Send my love to Matt, Megan, Katie, Colin, Grandpa, Chingu, and my friends. Write again soon, I will.

Your Son,
Bryan J. Barney

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