Thursday, December 17, 2009

3rd Letter - postmarked 11/14/08

Dear Mom & Dad,

All is going well, though I hope someone explains travel plans to me tomorrow. I get to call home from the airport, which is nice. I'm really excited to at last go to Brazil, but I am very sad to leave here. I love my district so much. They are all wonderful people, and they are so kind, too. I'm going to miss them. We went to the Temple today. The Provo Temple is beautiful, but much smaller it seems than the Seattle Temple.
Split my toenail during Service. All's well, though. It didn't even hurt! Service is very fun. We lift the cover for the floor in the Gym after devotionals/firesides. We run the tarp quickly so we can get the dust off it, and the tarp rises before us and behind, and when we reach the wall, it engulfs us. Muito divertido!
I'm going to purchase a second bag, as well as a few other supplies, so please don't be too surprised by the withdrawals from my savings. Not sure when I pack or anything. Just that I get no gym time after Saturday.
Language is coming along. Elder Lewis and I can introduce ourselves em Portugues, and we have the 1st Lesson down pat! The Spirit is very strong here.
I've met a few Brazilians so far. Nice people. One is learning English and Japanese! I must admit, seeing the things some people are learning here is humbling. Compared to say, "Mong?" Portuguese is no problem! Met some Elders Korea-bound. Realized I knew a phrase or two of that. Woot!

Waiting to register for e-mail again. Hopefully, you'll get a letter from me this time. The wait is brutal, though. I hope to have time to write everyone today, not sure I'll be able to, but I dunno. Gonna try and write Matt, too.
Let my friends know I've been writing them, but I can't mail yet, since I haven't got their addresses. Maybe they can e-mail them to you and then to me? (through you). In any case, I have BEEN WRITING.
How are things back home? Everyone well? How's my class? Has Chingu gotten up to any new things. Urgh. E-mail still berserk. Yay, it worked! Hope you get the e-mail! I couldn't remember if drizzl had an e or not.
Who got called to teach my class? Has my plaque gone up yet? Is it good? Has Colin cleaned the room yet? Has he stolen my trombone? They warned us to be careful about what we write, since our moms read our letters in Relief Society, haha.
Well, in any case, I have to try and write everyone else, so I'll bring this to a close.
I know the Church is true, that God called Joseph Smith to be a Prophet, and that the Book of Mormon is true. I love you, and I'll write again soon.

Elder Bryan J Barney

PS Call you Tuesday & Wednesday from the airport. I report to travel at 8 AM, so...

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