Sunday, December 27, 2009

Email 10/13/09

From: Bryan Barney
Sent: Tuesday, October 13, 2009 8:01 AM
Subject: Eis Me Aqui

Hello there Barney Family and associated personages! It is with great happiness that I announce that my e-mail is up and running again, and am heretofore able to communicate semanalmente de novo! So I suppose I ought to send forth some greetings and a general update.

I have been in Ala Jardim Curitiba (Curitiba Garden Ward) since June, I believe, and we are nearing the end of my 3rd full transfer here (20th of October). I have had 4 companions here. Elder Felippe, Elder Stapler, Elder Maxwell, and Elder M. Santos, whom I am training (and let me tell you, it's not as easy as it sounds training a brasileiro). I've been here so long the missionaries out of the ward are all returning to it.

Sunday was a special day for me because we had 2 confirmations. One of Cláudio, an ex-pastor, and one of João Victor, a nine year old in a wheel-chair whose aunt we baptized in August. Cláudio also got up and bore his testimony, and I was a wee bit embarrassed because he called me up to the front. He.'s a very interesting person, Cláudio, but it was very, very special to hear him, after 3 arduous months of work hear him bear his testimony of the Restoration.

At times being a missionary can be a bit exhasperating. You find yourself frustrated seeing the people you baptized thrown here and there, and you feel devastated when one falls away. You find yourself appreciating a lot more the patience of Moses, of Mormon, of Peter, Paul, and Christ. You find yourself amazed at the ability of such men to carry on, when people they loved, in whose salvation they had rejoiced, tossed away so carelessly so precious such things. You find yourself all the more close to such great men, and yet so far.

But you cannot give up. You always have to look to be more faithful as an Élder or Sister. Only he who endures to the end is saved. You can..t give up hope. Because simply put, you understand nothing, and you have to take a lot of faith, trusting that The Lord knows what is best. For example: Yesterday I met two families who, while inactive, where still beloved by a member, and because of this member, and the love of the gospel the family still had, these families were still desirous to come back.

The war is real. Élders and Sisters the world over fight it every day, but without the members, it is exceedingly difficult for converts to continue on. The pressure laid by Satan after someone's baptism and confirmation is higher and harder, and if the members sit and think that person will be just fine on their own, they are absolutely wrong.

Salvation, we are accustomed to say, is individual. While this is true, we also cannot forget that Exaltation is in families and that, as hard as we may try to ignore such a truth, all men are our family.

But I suppose I'm just a tad bit frustrated. Inasmuch as it is the greatest of all joys to know that a recent convert is progressing firmly, growing in the gospel, it is a terrible, terrible affliction to see a recent convert fall away as the members sit on their hands and do nothing. The ward where I am is excellent, and I love them dearly, but something has to be done to help these recent converts.


I am 21 years old now. Which feels very odd. Also, I have a little more than 11 months on the mission, which feels VERY odd. The other day President Tobias said I had a year, and I almost died of a heart attack. My portuguese continues to improve (I've almost finished reading the Book of Mormon in Portuguese this year.) I've now read the Book of Mormon twice in English on my mission, and I'm at the very end of the Bible in English also. I intend to finish D&C before New Year's, and then study all the Standard Works in Portuguese before returning home.

HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO KELSEY, Whose birthday, if I remember, was August 6th.

HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO MEGAN, Whose birthday was September 18th. As amazing as it sounds, there are no birthday cards to buy near my home.

HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO SHARELLE, Whose birthday, I believe, was September 30th.

HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO MATT, Whose birthday is this week. OLD MAN.

HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO ME AGAIN, Because the anniversary of my Baptism is also this week.

In response to a few questions made recently: Yes, there are many nasty bugs here in brasil, namely beetles, which I find to be the worst of all kinds, for they are like unto roaches, which I detest.

I will indeed remember the Howells in my prayers, and you can send my love to the family.

To Sharelle specifically, send my greetings to Braden again.

To Jessica; While it was a nice attempt, sending pictures of Braden with Sharelle, the larger part of people were still unconvinced, and they persist in referring to her as my "Japanese Girlfriend".

To Kelsey; You owe me a piece of cake.

To Megan; say hi to Wendy, Rachel and Jackie for me.

To Colin and Matt; You guys are owing me letters. And Colin needs a hair cut. His head is ridiculous.

To Grandpa; Hang in there. I'm just as impatient to go camping as you are, and all the pictures I've gotten from home lately don't help.

To Mom and Dad; I love you, I'm fine. Despite my complaining, I'm really just fine. I have never had so great a time in my life as this.

I love you all, and will write again soon.


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