Sunday, December 27, 2009

Email 5/19/09

From: Bryan Barney
Sent: Tuesday, May 19, 2009 10:05 AM

Well, this week can readily be called one of my less favorite weeks in a few ways. Not that we did not work hard. We worked very hard. In fact, I would say that, numerically speaking, this week turned over the best numbers (outside of baptisms and confirmations, granted) in my whole mission. As far as labor goes, this was a well done week.

Nevertheless, I fear much time was wasted in pursuit of people who, frankly, were more interested in wasting our time than not. Every day this week we worked toward the baptisms of a certain group, and in the end, this group, well, let's just say it's not worth walking back to their house again. Any more details and I'll be dwelling on things negative.

On the adventure and fun side of life, Well, little can honestly be said. We knocked a few doors this week and saw a few strange and lame responses. "Somos TJs (Jehovah's Witnesses, there are a lot here. A lot.)" "PERFECT! Can we come in and talk with you all about Jesus?" "No, it's dinner time."

We literally had a woman tell us to not come back because she doesn't like to turn off her TV at night. Which of course was so absurd that, well, we couldn't help but laugh 30 seconds after the fact. It's one thing to say, hey, you kids are cool and all, but I'm good where I'm at, and another entirely to say "My TV is more important to me than Jesus."

But hey, if someone enjoys the companionship of a glowing box more than human beings, so be it.

Oh! We got lost one night this week. Our area is really, really big, and neither of us have been here very long, and so one night we got lost and ran into this creepy guy speaking broken english on a bike and passed a few really wierd churches before we knew where we were. Fun night.

Outside that, not much, really. I know e-mails are working quicker to communicate between the family at present, but I have a responsability to write people in Uberlandia now, too. Seeing as I can't send them e-mails, it's straight up pen and paper for them. Thankfully, I think there is a post office near the stake center. Not 100% sure though.

Thanks for the picture of the Seattle Temple, it's better than the one on the website, I think, but I think that's because Temples look cooler at night.

Parabens for Dad! Congrats on the bike ride. We're wishing a lot these days that we had bikes here in our area, because, well, it would be pretty darn helpful for us in getting around to our various and long-spaced appointments. I had the opportunity to ride a bike thursday for a tiny bit. I'd forgotten how fun it can actually be.

I hope all is going well for the whole world. Send my love to the Van Duyns, and let them know I'm praying for 'em.

Also, I received a bit of advice I'd like to pass to the whole world at this time, which is to say, I was reading the Liahona and it said to read our patriarchal blessings, so I'm encouraging everyone out there to give that a shot.

A quick shout out to Jessica, Kelsey, Sharelle, Josh, and Lance, as well: I'm not quite dead yet! You all can write to me! And I'm especially accepting photos from AFTER I LEFT! Be cool to see how everyone's doing.

Until next time, then!

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