Sunday, December 27, 2009

Email - 5/5/09

From: Bryan Barney
Sent: Tuesday, May 05, 2009 2:31 PM

Lemme think about that-

No, they don't sell peanut butter here. Not in the way you and I know and love it. So yes, for christmas or something, peanut butter would rock. I have a few announcements to make here:

1) Elder Owen and I baptized again this Sunday.
2) I have been transferred. I am now in Goiania, Goias, but I have no idea what my address is. My companion is Elder Deivison. Brazillian. Not as righteous as a missionary can be, but I love the guy.
3) I don't remember what time of day to call this Sunday, but I will shoot for later in the afternoon, after church. I hope you all remember that I'll be calling. And no, I'm not sure how the call system works.

It was a 7 hour bus ride here, but I am back in Goiania, a new area for me, but well, it should be good. It was a little hard to leave Tibery, but Garavelo, my new area, should treat me well. Sounds like we are on the verge of a baptism really soon, which should be nice. I just have a lot of work ahead of me. Elder Deivison is a great missionary, works really well outside of the house, but well, inside, eh, he could use some sprucing up.

But really, he is awesome. I have a brazilian companion finally!!! WOOOO!!!!

Speaking of that, in a round about way. I had an interesting experience the other day at lunch. Irmã Smith (Yes, we have a Smith couple here, Americano e Brasileira) was insistent that I will marry a brazilian, and went so far as to show me photos of her friends in an attempt to persuade me to her point of view.

I responded that I have only 1 kind of ordinance that I'm really interested in doing right now, and that..s baptism. It can be with water or fire, I'm flexible, but baptism only for now. I have a calling for salvação, not exaltação.

But all goes well with me. I will meet the ward tonight. I have to be a bit Pharisaic for a while so as to maintain my high pattern of retidão, but I'm incredibly excited for this transfer. The mission can only go up and away from here. The goal this month? 300!

I'll be sending out at least a letter for Colin this week, for his birthday. But outside that, I still have to work on my budget (and diet) to get everything in order.

Blenders are standard gear in the mission. It's DRIERS that I want. Oh, but I finally have a bed again. WOOT! I still have to do some straightening up around the house. Transfer weeks are generally messy. Those and divisions.

Got the letter from DC, though, so don't worry about that, Mom.

Until later,



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