Sunday, December 27, 2009

Email 10/20/09

From: Bryan Barney
Sent: Tuesday, October 20, 2009 12:31 PM

Well, I've gone and done it again.

I've been transferred.

I'm here in Anápolis now, a city about an hour and fifteen minutes outside of Goiânia. I'm serving with a Brasillian called Elder Rosin, he being my 3rd companion from Curitiba. I met him back in May, when I was in Aparecida de Goiânia. A few other old faces are popping up here, too. Elder Deivison, for example, who was my first Brasillian companion.

I am literally translating from portuguese to english the thoughts in my head. And the internet and keyboard are less than pleasing, so the message may be a bit stunted.

I know everyone is dying for pictures, but they'll have to wait a bit longer. I have no way to upload on this computador, er, computer? And I don't know if there's a cheap photo shop near home. But Bishop Richards has been receiving photos I've been sending, I believe. So maybe one of those shots of those baptisms has me with specs.

While it's possible that international phone cards are sold, I have no idea where in Brazil I'd go about buying one. But I'll look into it for you. Last time I called you come a local call card and it ate the card in less than 2 minutes.

I have been hearing a great deal about the new stake center thing. Brother Smith also sent some info to me about it. Six million dollars to build? Wow. Here in Anápolis, we have a rented space, and our neighbors are the Assembly of God the Devil Only Knows What Ministry. Read everything Jesus said not to do in prayer, and you have an initial idea of their church.

I can't really complain too much, I guess it just makes part of having your garments clean from the blood of this generation, this thing about recent converts. But for everything that goes wrong, there are still diamonds in the mud. A young woman we've been teaching for a few months called the Bishop Saturday, asking to be baptized. She's been studying the pamphlets we leave, marking up her Book of Mormon, and fighting all kinds of opposition to be baptized. So this Sunday was her baptism.
Two young men I baptized are also going very firm. One has even been ordained an Élder.

Oh, and yes, I did receive the packages. Thank you very much for the PB and J, but I think the toothbrush and shirt one size larger were a bit of a stab, né?
(By the way, super thank you for a white shirt. My shirts are all turning yellow)

To Dad:
At the start of my mission me and Elder Eliason joked alot about the lake in our area being the Waters of Mormon, and every missionary runs around cracking his own Lamanite jokes. But one friend of mine, Elder Borcem, his patriarchal blessing says he's of direct descent from Judah, and since he's 100% native, he'd have to be a Mulekite, which were the people of Zarahemla.

To the great surprise of all men: I have finished reading the Bible for the first time in my life. I have now also read the Book of Mormon 3 times. 2 in English, one in Portuguese. I only need to finish the Doctrine and Covenants before the end of October to have read all the Standard Works this year in English. I have also read Jesus the Christ 2 times, and am eager to read it in portuguese soon.

To Colin: Relive my childhood for me, too, while you're there, hahaha. I'm glad to hear you are practicing singing. Here on the mission the two most required musical skills are vocals and keyboards, so they'll help you out.

Well, if you believe the Air Force will help you, go for it. Just two words of advice: 1) Don't tell Megan, cuz she says the Air Force is for wussies, and 2) Pray about it. If it is possible, go to the temple and pray there, too. Remember the talks in Conference where they spoke about revelation. You've a right to it, too.

What you ate was (possibly) Feijoada and Mousse de Maracujá, which means you ate very, very well. And of course many people served here. You, too, will serve your mission in Brazil.

(Don't tell mom or dad, but I'm not training anymore, I'm a Co-District Leader) If you can send my French Book of Mormon for Christmas, that'd rock. There's an elder here who speaks French, Italian, Portugues, Spanish and English.

To: Bro. Smith:
Sorry I can't write more, but my time is running out and I have to report the weekly numbers to my President, or I'm a dead man!!

With love to all,

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