Sunday, December 27, 2009

Email - 6/30/09

From: Bryan Barney
Sent: Tuesday, June 30, 2009 1:59 PM

Well, from the sounds of things, the world is having a pretty busy week. I've grabbed a bit of news here and there, and we just might be hearing a thing or two from me, too.

First and foremost, I received packages from both Mom and Jess this Tuesday, and, as this letter will soon reveal, that turned out to be one of the greatest blessings of my life.

That said, I'm excited to hear that Grandpa is using this experience to bring the Gospel to other people. Something that really, really helps people in these situations is the approach. One time I was teaching a woman who was absolutely against the idea of a ressurrection because of the way it was taught to her by another church (TJ- Testemunhas de Jeová), but, when we taught it, the lesson went much, much better. I've had at least two experiences here in the field where I've gotten to a house and found a woman or a family totally devastated by the loss of a loved one and uplifted by simple Gospel truths.

I would also suggest reading Section 4 of Doctrine and Covenants, which I have memorized (as with all other church things, everything I know is in portuguese only.)

I'm excited that everyone is running off for the 4th, and on the 5th I will actually have money again (part of this week's story). I hope you all have your own various fun times, as I doubt anyone will notice here, despite there being 2 Americans here.

Yes, I did hear about the King of Pop. And I have not yet stopped to hear his music in the streets since that day. It's kinda sad, but not in any personal sense.

As for your question, Kelsey, Myldsmail stands for My, or Meu, Latter-Day (or Último Dia) Saint (Santo) Mail. LDS is an abbreviation for Latter-Day Saint, which title makes part of the name of the Church. The Church of Jesus Christ (because this is Jesus Christ's Church) of Latter-Day (being these the last days, or last times, before the 2nd Coming) Saints (as the scriptures refer to Christ's people as Saints.)

As for your other worry, my advice is that BRASIL ALWAYS WINS IN SOCCER. Er, yeah.

One last brief note that must be transmitted as quickly as possible. Seeing as I only received pictures of Sharelle in this package from Jess, and after 8 months of explaining that she ISN'T my girlfriend, I have decided that I'm not going through it any more.

Or rather, as of this moment, I will tell the entire combined states of Goias, Minas Gerais, and a part of Mato Grosso, that I am dating Sharelle. Do I much care that she's dating Braden? Nope. She can go right on with that. None of my business, but as far as the Southern Hemisphere is concerned, we be goin' steady. Haha.

Alright, and now for the moment we have all been waiting for. HOW WAS BARNEY'S WEEK?

Long story short, I'd rather not talk about it. But I will anyway.

1) We moved houses this week. Very tiring. I and Elder Felippe had to go all over town this week for this and that to fix up the contract, to get light, to get hot water, to do everything, with almost no help from the other companionship in our house. As a result, I'm practically broke now. I am just a weensy bit stressed out. Oh, and I met someone I don't like for the first time in a long time. But how can that be?

2) I don't like Elder Laman. Name removed because well, I don't know why. Basically he has been going against everything we've been doing since the start of the move. AND THAT'S WITH HIM BEING THE ONE WHO GOT ROBBED. To give the low-down, he's never treated me well since I got here, for whatever reason, incluiding getting on my back one day for breaking up a fight HE was causing (and cuz I pointed at him. Oh no!) He doesn't like my companion because my companion doesn't take crap from him. Oh, and Elder Stapler, who is just about the most patient guy I know, has done nothing but receive verbal abuse on level with spousal abuse since he got here. This missionary does not work. Swears at members. Lives like a pig. Treats us like dirt. When we moved in, he didn't even carry his own bags, and well, I'm rapidly losing my patience and having a very, very hard time inviting the Spirit and remembering who it is I represent here.

3) President Tobias came down hard on us this week, demanding we flood the chapel so we could boost our numbers and help the members here gain a new chapel. Just that, with everything else going on, especially with Elder Laman threatening to beat up my companion and beat up the Bishop IN THE BISHOP'S HOUSE, it was nearly impossible to work on this week.

Nevertheless, all glory be to the Lord, for we did, in fact, bring 35 souls to church this week, in the midst of aflictions and mental agonies and stress and financial disasters and lack of basic luxuries, the Lord had mercy upon us, and we fulfilled our duties.

Today our house was invited to the Mission Counsel of Leaders. It was nice to see so many missionaries together and eat such good food. This week we have three young men we're ready for the waters and, as you might guess, a fair number of visits to make.

I am tired.

I am broke.

I love you all.

These are the best two years of my life.

Thank you so, so, so much for the peanut butter.


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