Sunday, December 27, 2009

Email 3/3/09

From: Bryan Barney
Sent: Tuesday, March 03, 2009 5:55 AM

It's a commandment to send e-mails to President and Family every week. If you break it, they go old school on you, and the congregation stones you. Don't think numbers are down there. During Carnivale we had 31 people in the chapel, and that's because, more or less, half the ward was gone to "Acampamento" which is essentially Youth Conference, since we're in Summer here.

This week we had 48 people in the chapel, 3 investigators, and not a single one was among the number of people we visited! Meanwhile, the big number of investigators brought to a chapel this week was 250!!! I don't know how they did it, but you can believe I WANT TO KNOW HOW THEY DID IT.

Things are moving along here. It's almost been a month since we had a baptism in our ward, so we're getting Missionary Cabin Fever, but we'll live. Elder Eliason is in Goiania right now renewing his visa, and I'm in charge here in Tibery with Elder Apolinário until he gets back.


It's not easy running an area, but I just have to keep reminding myself that lots of people probably told Peter, James, and John that they already had a religion back in the day, too. We're trying to freshen up our approach and see if we can't convince somebody here that yes, free church really is a much better idea.

Have you spoken with Brother Forkner yet about talking to my old boss? He might be of some help for Colin. I know Colin would have even less time than I did, but it'd be a start. Even if we haven't got the funds yet, he needs to start preparing know. In 3rd Nephi 13 The Lord told his Apostles and the people not to worry about what they'd do and he'd provide. It's best for Colin to prepare, and to go. I cannot number the blessings that come from being a Missionary.

But send me his e-mail, and I'll nag him about the paper-work. I can't be of any help really when it comes to money, but I'll try and shop even smarter to help where I can. I'll also hit my knees and get a-praying even harder for all of you.

Somebody needs to call Grampa this month, too. It's been about a year since Gramma passed away, and he needs to hear someone's voice to remind him he still has people here who love him, too.

It's good to hear Megan'll be dashing off for Germany. Does she speak German or Korean? Eu nunca posso relembrar sobre estas coisas. Er, I never can remember about these things. How is College going for Megan and Colin? I hope they're both happy. I hope, to be fair, that you're all happy. I pray constantly for you all, but I could step it up a bit.

When are you and Dad going off to DC? Can I reccomend a few more things for you at that Brazillian Restraunt? If they have it, Açai is AMAZING. Essentially, Brazil is all about fruit. I need to be eating more fruits here anyway. Gotta keep up my health. Those people won't baptize themselves! Well, they will, but it won't be done right, and well, yeah.

I'm glad to hear your room is progressing. It won't be long and you'll only have to go downstairs to let the Dog in and out. Speaking of dogs. This sunday Elder Eliason and I were followed by one. We called him the third member of our group, and whenever he went near people, he got rejected a lot faster and harder than we do. It sounds harsh, so maybe you had to be there to think it was funny.

I received two letters this week. One from New Year's Eve and one from the 17th. ACK! It's March!! In two days, I'll have been a missionary for 4 whole months! Time is running out! ACK! I have to ask someone to keep an eye on my personal account. I don't think I've over-drawn from it, but I don't know how much is in there. And since the $1= R$2.40 at the moment, it shouldn't be too bad, but yeah, I'm trying not to use too much, spend my money more intelligently, and maintain an emergency fund of R$100, too.

Well, it's about time to go now, so I hope everyone is doing well. I just want to encourage you all to read the scriptures (I'm in 1st Samuel these days) and keep on praying. I miss you all, and love you, and I'll write soon!


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