Thursday, December 17, 2009

5th Letter - postmarked 11/25/08



I'm feeling a little better, so there is no need to worry. Today is Sunday, and at last I'm getting some spiritual nourishment. While I was greatful in Provo for it, I think I did not realize how strong the Spirit was there, nor now much I had come to rely on it. Nevertheless, I carry on now, despite the work of the adversary. In the MTC we learned we ought not to quench the Spirit. I felt there that I did that too often. We joked about it then. Now I am harrowed by the thought, for I am on the other side. I am he who needs the Spirit and too oft feel it quenched. I repent of this now. If I learn but one thing here in Brazil, I pray it is respect for the spiritual needs of others. I am told Brazil is utterly prepared, though. The Spirit, I hear, is hungered for greatly out there. I know not, but hope so.

Elder Millet and Sister Badger, who are from WA and came with us from our district to here, say that the proselyting experience (which we do next week) (which is to say, this week) is wonderful. I pray so. I have come a long way from my home. If I can find but one soul to touch, how happy I will be. Is it any wonder that the first reaction of Lehi after he ate of the tree was to do Missionary Work? Even here, in my vale of tears, I endeavor to be happy. I go to share a Plan of Happiness and to make others happy, so I must endeavor to first be happy. I miss my home, my family, friends, and my district, but I will press on. I cannot afford to waste the Lord's time. I love you, and I pray you are all safe.

Your Son,
Elder Bryan J Barney

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