Friday, December 18, 2009

Email 1/27/09

From: Bryan Barney
Sent: 1/27/09

Well, I feel like a terrible son. I forgot to tell you this last week, but I thought about it all week: HAPPY BIRTHDAY MOM!!!!!!! I hope you had a good one! I know I had a good day on your birthday, I received, oh, 6 or 7 letters, including the one you sent to the house. I also sent out letters. There's one in there addressed to the family, but I don't remember what I wrote and I hope no one is offended if it was weird. It was Christmas, so I may have been funny in the head and high on sugar.

I sorta missed the inauguration, but many people talked with us about it. I guess I haven't got much feeling at all about Pres. Obama at the moment. Right now my President is Thomas S Monson, and my King Jesus Christ. I have a calling above the authority of Presidents of nations, I can't be too busy with it.

There was a period of trial this week, but I have no intent about writing about the bad stuff. A few of our investigators need the fire put in them is all, and we received some training this week on doing just that. What's more, we had 4 investigators at church this very week!! Mara, the sister of Anderson, whose major difficulty in teaching so far is the fact that we're 20 and she's 15 (IE we have to find people to be with us when we teach her) and Rita, a young mom with a daughter, age 11, and a son, age 7. These people are moving along quite nicely. Rita is really very very cool, but she hasn't quite accepted baptism yet. She will though.

So again, please invite my friends to send me pictures and write me, and make sure Matt and Grampa are doing well, too. I am afraid I have to call this to an end, though. But I'm really looking forward to reading all those letters. The Mission is going fine.

With Love,
Bryan Barney.

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